Talent Show, May 21

Once again the talented students of Mill Pond will entertain their teachers, family and friends with singing, dancing, musical solos and much more. Please join us.

Family Fun Fair and Auction

The Carnival this year will be replaced by a Family Fun Fair. Imagine three-legged races, potato sack races, balloon toss, and much more. Admission and games will be free. Save your dough to bid on items at the silent auction and buy a hotdog or two. Save the date - June 5th. Watch your child's backpack for more info.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

"Fill In the Gaps"

Focused, goal-oriented fundraising keeps us efficient and helps our families and community see what exactly they are supporting when they choose to donate time or money to the Mill Pond Booster Club. In the past two years, we completed large goals of buying playground equipment and musical instruments for general music instruction. This year, we've identified multiple smaller needs within our school; so our goal for this year is to "Fill in the Gaps." Just a couple of things on that list are an ice machine, balls for recess, additional scooters for PE, and curriculum enrichment activities. After surveying teachers and staff, we will have a more complete list of items identified at which time we will give our goals a monetary value.

As always, we strive to make sure our students have the best facilities and programs available to enhance the learning environment. If you have any suggestions for a "gap" that needs to be filled, please contact a board member or come to a meeting to let us know. We'd love more input!

Thank You!

Kristi Neel for coordinating popcorn and ice pops this year. Also, thank you to Kristi and her husband for helping Stacey Keyes clean out our out-of-control Booster Club Closet! Your service to Mill Pond and the Booster Club is very appreciated.

Upcoming Events

  • May - Tiles for Tile Wall go on sale
  • May 4-8 - Teacher appreciation week
  • May 21 - Talent Show
  • June - Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon
  • June 5th - Family Fun Fair and Auction

Our Easiest Fundraisers!

Please see the links below and go to escrip.com if you haven't already registered your Safeway card. That's all you have to do, and then a percentage of everything you buy at Safeway will go to the Booster Club for school needs.

Also, please continue to send in your boxtops. In December we received a check from boxtops for $856! Our goal for the year was $1500. We surpassed that goal! Way to go Mill Pond! Congratulations to Mrs. Aguero's class who won the Banana Split party.

Popcorn Cards

  • Popcorn cards were a great hit for those that chose to use them. Booster Club plans on selling them again next year. Cards are $5.00 and can be used for popcorn or ice pops. We limit children with cards to one bag of popcorn or two ice pops so they don't attempt to treat all their friends unbeknownst to mom or dad.